Improvement for Toro Rosso

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Scuderia Toro Rosso confirms that this press release paper was designed on the same computer as the Red Bull Racing press release paper. Having flown out a ten strong legal team from Austria, the UK and Italy late last night, we can confirm that our paper complies fully with all regulations regarding media headed paper and the industry standard British Universal Length Layer Size Height Interface Template (B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T.)

Tonio Liuzzi "We have found some improvements on the car in the slower sections, where the car is beginning to react quite nicely. We tried various mechanical changes that seemed to work. As we have said a few times already this year, we are still paying the price for not having tested much in the winter, but I am sure that the arrival of Giorgio Ascanelli brings us a plus and a lot of information and so I think we should be able to make a step forward quite soon."
(Best lap 1.37.855, pos. 17th)

Scott Speed "Track conditions seem similar to those at last week's test, so no big surprises from that point of view. I'm glad we got that opportunity to test because today I never got much proper running. First off in the morning, I had to run the T-car, because it had never been used before today and that meant the usual stuff with a new car, like sorting out the pedals and the driving position. Then I had to sort out my own race car so I only really ran properly at the end of the second session. At first sight, my prognosis for here is the same as in Melbourne, meaning we are still quite a bit off the pace."
(Best lap 1.38.650, pos. 20th)