I'm optimistic! - Kovalainen

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The ING Renault F1 Team Finnish driver, Heikki Kovalainen, sums up a positive day at the Sepang International Circuit. Kovalainen's priority for tomorrow's qualifying session is to make it to the final shoot-out and than get to the front of the grid.

Heikki, Friday’s gone pretty well for you. What are your aims for tomorrow?

“My priority will be to make it into the final shoot-out in qualifying, and then to do my best to get to the front of the grid. It’s difficult to know exactly where we stand this evening: things will be clearer tomorrow. What’s sure is that the slightest mistake in qualifying can be very costly. But I can’t wait for it to start!”

How was the car today?

“After last week’s testing I was able to fine-tune my knowledge of the track by covering another 60 laps. As usual we’ve worked on the set-up and tyre evaluation. The car’s behaviour was similar to that of last week. The balance was pretty good and the grip got better and better the more laps I covered. So I’m quite optimistic.”

It’s your second race with Renault, do you feel confident?

“I’ve felt at home here since this time last year. I know the team well and I’ve had no surprises since the start of the season. I feel really at ease at Renault.”

Source Renaultf1