Super Aguri announces partnership with Kinotrope Inc.

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Super Aguri Formula One Team is pleased to announce a website consulting and web branding partnership agreement with Kinotrope Inc. who will be the team's official website consultant. Super Aguri and Kinotrope Inc. have extended their relationship to include a full consultancy and web branding partnership.

The team expects the new arrangement with one of Japan's most prominent web production companies to improve the quality of its official website and to strengthen web branding. Kinotrope Inc. will now be able to take advantage of the extensive publicity opportunities afforded by its closer association with Super Aguri F1 Team.

Kinotrope Inc. is one of the oldest companies of its type in Japan, having specialised in website production since the beginning of the Internet era. As well as the conventional website production business, Kinotrope Inc. now serves as the web consulting and application provider for numerous Japanese companies.

Masahiro Ikuta, President of Kinotrope Inc. “When we started our website production business the word ‘Internet’ was not even known in society. We were in a similar situation to Super Aguri F1 Team, which has successfully ventured into the F1 world to make ‘The Japanese Dream’ come true. Recognising similarities to our company in the team's serious attitude, approach and action, we hoped we could work together to further our dreams. We believe we now have a ‘win-win’ relationship by not only supporting the team as a sponsor, but also by providing Super Aguri F1 Team with as much of our knowledge and expertise as possible. At Kinotrope Inc. we believe that this partnership agreement will surely become a catalyst to our growth.”

Aguri Suzuki, Team Principal “We are extremely pleased that we were able to finalise a web branding partnership agreement with Kinotrope Inc. Kinotrope is a leader in the web branding business in Japan and we believe they will provide us with great support in realising our new web strategy.”