We must approach the season step-by-step - Alonso

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The ING Renault F1 Team prepares for the third round of the 2008 Formula 1 World Championship: the Bahrain Grand Prix. Fernando Alonso, the star of the French team, aims to score points again this weekend but realises that this will be very difficult.

Fernando, after an amazing race in Australia, you scored just a point in Malaysia…

"Yes, we scored a point for eighth place and it was not possible to do any better. It is only a point, but a point all the same. We know that our level of performance at the moment is not at the level of the leading teams, but we are working hard to move forward and close the gap. To finish in the points must be our goal at the moment and we must approach the season step-by-step and keep improving."

In the last four years you have won in Bahrain twice. Is it a circuit that you like?

"I do have happy memories because I won there in 2005 and 2006 with Renault. It is an unusual circuit because of the sand that can be blown onto the track and so driving the car can feel quite strange. You never really know what the track conditions will be like from one corner to another, and sometimes you can be taken by surprise. The temperatures are also high in Bahrain, but after hot races in Melbourne and Sepang, we are already used to this."

What in your opinion are the main demands of the circuit?

"Sakhir is renowned as a circuit that is demanding on the brakes. The wear can be very significant and it is an aspect that we have to pay attention to, especially in the race so that we can be sure that we do not have a problem that will cost us any positions. From the first free practice session on Friday, this will be something that we will keep in mind."

What will be the goal for the team this weekend?

"We don’t know yet exactly where we stand, although we know that we are behind Ferrari, McLaren and BMW. Reaching Q3 is not easy and so scoring points in the race is also difficult. But we have scored points in the first couple of races and I think that is what we must aim for again this weekend in Bahrain. We must try and take advantage of the slightest opportunity that comes our way and each race must be seen as a way for us to progress."

Source Renault