My goal is to be in the points - Nelsinho

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The ING Renault F1 Team prepares for the third round of the 2008 Formula 1 World Championship: the Bahrain Grand Prix. Rookie driver Nelson Piquet Jr. aims to score some important points for the team at Sakhir this weekend.

Nelson, you had a difficult debut in Melbourne, but you bounced back in Malaysia were you showed good pace and finished your second Grand Prix…

"The weekend was certainly much more positive in Malaysia and I was in a position to do lots of running in each session, which allowed me to find a good rhythm for the whole weekend. Unfortunately I did not have an ideal qualifying session and that is something I have to improve. The race itself was difficult because my drink was not working and I was stuck in the traffic, but I did not finish too far away from Fernando and I am happy to have completed my first Grand Prix – that is very important for me."

You know the Sakhir circuit as you raced there in GP2 in 2005. Is it a circuit that you enjoy?

"To be honest it is not one of my favourites. But I do know the circuit and that is certainly an advantage for me. I will be able to start working on improving the set-up of the car with my engineers as soon as the practice sessions begin, rather than having to learn the circuit. That will allow me to approach my weekend more calmly."

The team must still improve the performance of the car, but what are you hoping for from your third Grand Prix?

"My goal is to be in the points. That was my target in Malaysia but unfortunately I was not in a position to do it on that occasion. Fernando has finished in the points twice in the first two races, and so I would like to follow this and score some important points for the team. I think that we can aim for seventh and eighth places and we must be ready to take any opportunities that present themselves."

The track is often slippery in Sakhir because of the sand which gets blown onto the circuit. Is there a specific area where you must work in order to improve the car?

"There is nothing special you can do – you just have to stay on the clean part of the circuit and try not to make any mistakes. I think that the race will probably be eventful, a bit like Melbourne, with the drivers making mistakes more easily as a result of the new regulations and the absence of driver aids."

Source Renault