Belgium on the calendar again!

Belgian's responsible minister of finance Serge Kubla has been negotiating for a return of the Belgian Grand Prix in 2004. He says the Grand Prix will be back on the calender on its usual date, late in August:"Bernie Ecclestone will put the calendar proposal before the FIA tomorrow Tuesday. In the calendar the weekend of August 28 and 29, 2004 is reserved for the Belgian Grand Prix," said economic minister Serge Kubla. "We're regaining our place in the calendar on the date which was ours in the past. The contract between Ecclestone and the Spa circuit runs until 2010 but it includes a get-out clause in the case of the banning of tobacco advertising."The Belgian Grand Prix was axed last year, because of the forbidding of tobacco adverstising. The new government nontheless has now voted to allow advertising only in "events of world importance".